There are thousands of basic software training institutes. Out of which only quality institute in software is able to sustain and grow with the latest technology. DoClick Solutions focus on quality and standards of training. Our vast experience in software training has made us to educate the youth in information technology. This course is based on many years? Experience of teaching, extensive industrial programming experience and also participation in the standards bodies that produced the standard for we focus on the needs of day-to-day requirement of the software industry with the emphasis being on practical use and delivery of reliable software.
We provide training in the following levels, depending on the candidate’s eligibility criteria.
• Basic Training
• Intermediate Training
• Advanced Training
DoClick Solutions providing 2+years of services on Development and Training Company. This is the place where students can experience the knowledge of software. Here we are to take through a successful IT career and guide the students to enhance them to apply their software skills in real time projects. We train them to bring out the knowledge to develop projects and execute them successfully.
As per the industry demand we are providing training on "Open Source Technologies" like JAVA, J2EE,PHP, MYSQL, ANDROID, PYTHON and WEB2.0 is technologies that are applied by programmers to develop high end software's. Any technology can be applied only if it is learned conceptually i.e. a learner knows what it is, how it should or should not be used, what advantages it provide, where it can be applied etc. Conceptual Training and Software Application is the main objective of DoClick Solutions.
DoClick Solutions ,
No. 189,Dr.Radhakrishna Road ,
Tatabad ,
Coimbatore - 641 012,
Tamil Nadu ,
India .
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